Is your Business Model simple, innovative, customer-driven and does it inspire your customers? The Nordic Brand conducted a future survey in the Norwegian financial sector, where customers were interviewed and our Futureindex was developed.
The 3 winners in the Norwegian financial sector: – Gold goes to Sbanken, a bank without branches, with a future index of 81. – Silver and Bronze go to Gjensidige and Sparebank1 with an index of 75.
Do you want to become a future leader in your industry? Interested, feel free to contact us for a dialogue.
”We have created a process that can guide you, we call it Triple Impact Canvas”. Established business models are challenged by disruptive digital business models. Our belief is that managers today must measure and monitor reputation, sustainability and the future.
Since 2004, we have annually studied perceptions about companies’ reputation and sustainability. Both measures are central to managing the overall brand. What we lacked in these measures is the relevance of the brand and the business model from a customer perspective.
The figure shows the Triple Impact Canvas results among the general public for a well-known financial company. We see that the company is perceived as strong on reputation and sustainability but weak on the “Future index”. This can be seen as an alarming warning signal.
Triple Impact Canvas together with a Key Driver Analysis reveals the driving forces behind your brand’s success. If you want to know more, please contact us for a dialogue.
Vilken varumärkespersonlighet har anseendevinnarna i den norska finansiella sektorn? De sex företag som toppar The Nordic Brands anseenderanking har alla en vi-orienterad varumärkespersonlighet (se de grönmarkerade företagen). Dessa företag har också ett anseendeindex över 70 och starka stödjande beteenden.
Trots Covid-19 ser vi en stark förbättring av anseendet i den senaste norska studien 2021. Stabila pensionsaktörer som Statens Pensjonskasse (SPK) och KLP följt av Sbanken toppar listan. Dessa tre företag har ökat starkt jämfört med motsvarande studie 2019 (innan Covid bröt ut). SPK och Sbanken har ökat med sju indexpunkter och KLP med fem punkter. Anseendet är viktigt att mäta och styra över tiden. Ett starkt anseende leder till stödjande beteenden som ökad köpintention, rekommendation och förtroende.
The Nordic Brand har åren 2015-2021 studerat anseendet i den norska finansiella sektorn. Det genomsnittliga anseendeindexet hösten 2019 innan Covid var 64 (i en skala 0-100), hösten 2020 och 2021 var indexet 67 respektive 68. Drygt 1 500 norrmän tillfrågades i oktober 2021. Rankingen visar de fullständiga resultaten.